Community Home
Who should become an Elmer’s member? YOU!
Members are people from near and far who love Elmer’s. EVERYONE will be welcome to be a customer at the restaurant or attend events, whether they are a member or not. Members will get special benefits, and will help support and sustain Elmer’s long term.
Member Benefits
One custom mug per individual or family membership. (Mugs will be available for pickup at Elmer's later this spring!)
Receive a 10% discount on private event reservations once the building re-opens
Your name(s) will be included on a list of members online and at Elmer's!
Attend a members-only annual community celebration where we will listen to good music, eat good food, celebrate the volunteers who have sustained Elmer’s during the year.
Vote in the election for new Board Members
Receive regular updates about news and events at Elmer's, including opportunities for volunteer opportunities
Cost to Join
We hope that all who are able will contribute the membership fee, since proceeds will go directly towards final renovations and getting the building and kitchen back open! However, we ALSO want to make sure that anyone who wants is able to become a member of Elmer's.
The full cost for a lifetime membership is $99 for individuals and $199 for families.
The membership form has sliding scale options as low as $10 (individual) and $25 (family). Choose what works for you!
If you donated previously and want to count your donation towards your membership, you can request that option on the membership form. (All requests for this option will be honored.)
The current Elmer's Board is:
Ariel Brooks, President
Kath McCusker, Treasurer
Elizabeth Gray, Clerk
Matthew Glassman
Rob Lizotte
Derek Matias
Nan Parati
Dave Russo
Delta Carney, while not an official board member, was on the steering committee,
and has continued to be a critical planning partner and lead volunteer since!
You can reach the board by emailing:
The following amazing volunteers have helped out with advice fundraising, work parties and events to date (Sept 7, 2023)!
Abby Straus
Adams Donuts
Alex Osterman
Alia Woofenden
Amy Shapiro
Andrea Caluouri
Anne and Nathaniel Brooks
Annie Cheatham
April West
Asa Gilmartin
Ashfield Band
Austin Riley
Barb Sussbauer
Bill Perlman
Betsy Burnett
Bob Markey
Brendon, Kelan, Laurelyn, and Pepin Wildermuth
Bree Demers
Brekton Drougs
Bruno Bouissiere
Buz Eisenberg
Cassandra Haffner
Carlos Uriona
Carol Lebold
Carole Groman
Cass Nawrocki
Cynthia Dean
Dan Frank
Daniel Miner
David Knowles
David Kulp
David Weiland
Delta Carney
Ellen Morrison
Eric Lehan
Esther Coler
Evan Barth
First Congregational Congregation
Hannah Jarrell
Heather Gray
Irene Branson
Jane Barish
Jane Willis
Jeremy Goldsher
Jill Gilbreth
Jim Cutler
Joan Gemme
Julia Graham
Kathy Dean
Kelibeth Resto
Kipper Deutsch
Kristen Baker
Lauren Mills
Liam McCusker
Luann Lord
Lyle Gray
Manfred and Christina Gabriel
Marcine Eisenberg
Mary Link
Mel & Leo Fallon
Nate Russell
Nicole Drury
Nina Coler
Phil Pless
Rachel Hinkel-Wang
Ray Gray
Rich Schroder
Ricki Carrol
Rob Taft
Robert Zeller
Sage Franetovich
Sally Yates
Sam Perkins
Sarah Jetzon
Sarah Johnson
Sheila Graves
St John's Congregation
Talia Miller
Tim Reilly
Tara Brewster
Chris, William, Stuart, Maggie, Elizabeth, Richard and Joseph Gray
Walt Cudnohufsky
Zac Chapman
NOTE: SO many people have helped withe project in many and varied ways!
If we left you off the list, please email us at We'd love to add you!